Healthy Food, Healthy Skin, Healthy Life

Eating healthy fats from oily fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables that are anti-oxidants rich should give you optimal levels of nutrients that are crucial for radiant skin including beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc and Selenium. Research on the best foods for healthy skin is limited. But anti-oxidant rich food seems to have a positive effect on the skin. 

 Here is a list of foods for healthy skin:

🍁Fatty Fish
 🍁Sunflower seeds
 🍂Sweet Potatoes 
 🍁Dark Chocolate 
 🍂Green Tea 
 🍁Red and yellow bell peppers 
 🍂Red Grapes 

 Research has shown that diets high in processed or refined sugar, carbohydrates and unhealthy fats promotes SKIN AGING.

 Healthy foods give healthy skin and also promote good health which then leads to a healthy lifestyle. 

 For a healthy skin and good health choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products and limit sweets. Include nuts, beans, whole grain bread and pasta in your meal.

 Boldly embrace your Ẹwà (African translation of the word Beauty) as you make healthy choices.

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